Media and Interviews
The Telegraph – Prince Harry inspires Thunderbirds-style action hero. (2015)
The Bookseller announces the three-book GEMINI FORCE ONE deal, following the amazing Kickstarter campaign. (2014)
Radio Times – Thunderbird’s creator’s unfinished novels set to be completed. (2013)
‘Castaway’ interview, MG Harris with Sylvia Vetta, The Oxford Times Magazine (2010)
(Click on the thumbnail to see full-size image.)
First Zero Moment interview with the BookZone4Boys (2010)
Scottish Book Trust Virtual Author Event audio interview with MG Harris (2009)
Jasmine Fassl was on hand to interview MG after the event, and she asked the Mexican-born, Manchester-raised author how she ended up becoming a writer. The discussion that followed covers everything from MG’s research to the crucial differences between male and female characters!
Tall Tales and Short Stories interview with MG Harris (2009)
The Oxford Times talks to MG Harris after ICE SHOCK launch (2009)
Interview and review of The Joshua Files: Invisible City with Eve from Vulpes Libris (2008)
MG Harris talks about ‘The Joshua Files: Invisible City’ on BBC Radio 4′s children’s show go4it
BBC children’s TV and radio star Barney Harwood plus two young go4it listeners Mia and Joss talk to MG Harris about Mexico, the Mayans and ask probing questions about Invisible City. Including the Camila Question, ooer.