Some photos from happy days with books and readers. Also – lots more photos on Flickr:
Gemini Force One and Joshua Files albums – photos of places, events and people connected with the setting or publication of “The Joshua Files”.
With Jamie Anderson and Lucy Coats (CHOSEN).
At Andercon 2015 talking GF1.
With Jamie Anderson (son of Gerry) and Nina Douglas (Orion Children’s Books) at Hay festival 2015
With cousin Lilia at Waterstone’s Piccadilly launch of GF1.
Gemini Force One cupcakes at Waterstone’s Piccadilly!
Jamie Anderson, MG Harris and Sally Nicholls at Blackwell’s part for GF1 and Sally Nicholl’s An Island Of Our Own.
Nina Douglas (Orion Children’s Books) and MG at Blackwell’s part for GF1 and Sally Nicholl’s An Island Of Our Own.
With Jamie and AG Probert at ANDERCON
With Jamie Anderson and Richard James (SPACE PRECINCT) and FAB1
With Mark @mostlybooksmark
Superfan Nyall at Dark parallel launch party
Dark Parallel launch
Operation Joshua en Geneve
Zero Moment launch
Printing Zero Moment
Signing 5000 copies of Zero Moment
Invisible City at Borders Milton Keynes
MG and Barney Harwood
Gemini Force 1 GHOST MINE launch