Random observations from Disney
Originally uploaded by mgharris
The Twilight Zone ride Tower of Terror is out of order for a bit.
I’m still very spacey from some cough medicine I took last night. How cool that you can buy such effective drugs over the counter in this country!
Also my appetite has failed to return post another attack of some kind of virus. (I hesitate to say H1N1 but it kinda probably was…) thank goodness, really, because food here is so yummy and tempting that a bird-like appetite is all that stands between me and massive weight gain. The cupcakes are frosted six-inches high! And apples smothered in thick layers of caramel.
What is a girl to do?
A High School Musical float has just appeared next to the Starring Rolls Café where we’re having breakfast.
I bought a Jack-O-Lantern shirt for tomorrow’s Halloween party at the Magic Kingdom.
Oh how I love Disney. And did I mention I’m feeling a bit jazzed? You’ll get no sense out of me today.
Hasta luego. X
MG Harris
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