I know, the New Year ’round-up’ should refer to the previous year. But I’m exhausted just thinking about it. In general, I’m starting the year tired. “Why do we have New Year?” my Teenage Daughter asked me. “How is it a ‘new beginning’? If you commit a crime on Dec 31st 2010, you’d still be punished in 2011.”
So it is with seasonal illness. If you spend the Christmas/New Year period suffering repeated attacks from viruses and secondary sinus infections, you start the year exhausted.
Lots happened last year and mostly very good, luckily for me. But with a diary that is getting packed out, I’d rather look ahead. So here are my forward-looking highlights of 2011.
- My sister’s wedding. Little Sister is getting married in Melbourne, Australia, giving me a lovely excuse to visit.
- First ever visit to school in Europe (outside of UK). Looking forward to meeting the students of College Leman in Geneva!
- Publication of Joshua Files book 4 – DARK PARALLEL. The photo shows the stack I’ll be sending off today to winners of the New year’s prize draw and to some book bloggers who have expressed special enthusiam for Joshua.
- A decision about After Joshua, What Next? If you follow this blog you may have heard me refer to Ultra Secret New Project. Well, New Editor has now read the manuscript and given me some pointers about how to improve it. So it won’t be much longer before I find out… (AL Kennedy saved me the bother of writing about what it’s like waiting for an editorial report over Christmas in her blog post Waiting for book ‘go’… Basically – what she said.)
- Teenage Daughter’s UCAS application is in. Will there be offers? Will she get the grades? Is this the year when my Firstborn Leaves Home?
- My first London Book Fair. Big trade fairs make me dizzy, as I learned when running an IT business. Without a stand to focus on or a conference speech to make, I get terribly baffled and have to go and lie down. So I’d foresworn never to attend a Book Fair unless invited as a speaker. I’ll be talking alongside Francesca Simon (author of Horrid Henry) about school libraries, in an event run by the School Libraries Association.
- Book deals! My fingers are tightly crossed for two ridiculously talented friends of mine from very long ago. Sarah Hilary (crime writer) and Christian David (author of a rollicking historical biography-fiction) are both writers who secured literary agents last year. They are now working on edits prior to the big submission process – to editors! I won’t be happy until they are recognized for the huge literary talents that they are.
It’s a particularly lovely set of events. No lurking gremlins as yet. However, I find it easier not to look too far into the future. The plots of my own stories almost always involve calamity striking the minute everything seems to have gone calm. Not that I enjoy such a rollercoaster in my own life. I try to make lemonade when served lemons. Nevertheless, it gets increasingly tiring, all that lemonade-making. That’s what they don’t tell you about getting older. Yes, you get wiser and more experienced, so lots of things are easier. But your energy levels diminish.
No wonder people turn to magic beans and nutrional supplements and exotic exercise regimes. If only all it took was Berocca.
However, I am still aching pleasantly from the weights I did at the gym a few days ago. I will change nothing! Maybe lose a little weight to look good in the Diane Von Furstenberg dresses.
Happy New Year!
If you haven’t seen it yet – here’s the draw for the advance review copies of DARK PARALLEL. Once again I’m assisted by Matt Barnard from Summertown Starbucks.
8 replies on “A 2011 Round-Up”
My in-laws gave me a bookstore gift card for Christmas and I bought Invisible City. This was in the US where we did NOT get the fabulous orange cover! When I finish it I’ll mail it to my son in college. But this is just like when Harry Potter was new and my kids were little; The later books won’t be available here for ages. Just ordered the next two used from Amazon resellers in the UK.
Karen, I think you are officially the first US reader ever to comment on my blog!
For being the FIRST, if you email me your address I will mail you a shiny blue neon-covered copy of book 4 when it comes out. contactmg (at) mgharris.net
(Btw I love the US covers and so do many UK readers. They are so cinematic. wait until you see US Ice Shock!)
when i got the first joshua flies book from booked up i thought it as going to be ok.But how i as wrong,i can’t put it down any more.It is that good could you give e an email on the day dark parallel.
Your NO.1 fan!
sorry ive not been very active lately, i am really looking forward to dark parrallel!!!
Hello, chuck! I only just caught up with this blog post, and I’m blushing. Thank you for every kind word of support and enthusiasm. (Still waiting for the agent’s verdict on the changes, but it’s only been three days.) I hope you’re having a fantastic trip for the wedding. x
Ive just finished dark paralell and I have read all the others they are amazing . I was just wondering if there was another book coming out and if so, when. ?? Please let it be soon!!!
Please reply,
Ps I really like the design of the covers they r awesome!!!! 🙂 bye!!!
Thanks! The fifth Joshua book – and final in the series will be published next Spring (2012). Hope that’s not too long to wait!
I am completed addicted to The Joshua Files , as soon as they have come out im gone ,my poor husband has to fend for himself for a few days until ive finished it.
Lara in UK