Joshua Files translations

Invisible City – new artwork and trailer for US & Canada readers

The Joshua Files finally reaches North America in July, with the publication of Invisible City by Walker Books for Young Readers.
We’re planning a few things to celebrate – a competition exclusively for new readers in the USA&Canada. But also, here finally is the book trailer featuring the Walker edition artwork.
I love all the foreign editions of Joshua, but this one is very special. It’s the first cover that reflects my own ideas of how the cover art might look, when I was first writing Invisible City (or as it was called back then, Todd Garcia: Boy Archaelogist – The Lost City).

The artwork may be more traditional ‘adventure-style’ than the amazing, ground-breaking, innovative, deadly-neon-slipcover of the UK, French, Spanish, Catalan, German and Hungarian editions. It draws on the style of influential artist Frederick Catherwood, who back in the 1840s visited the ruins with traveler John Lloyd Stephens and created those first, memorable images of the ruined Mayan cities, which were to stun readers in the developed world.

My friend Chris Maslanka, an eminent puzzlist (who devises fiendish puzzles for The Guardian and The Oxford Times – watch Chris and his evil twin Mikhail show readers how to crack the codes in the first three Joshua books) brought me four copies of the Polish edition of Invisible City, Archivum Josha – Niewidzialne Miasto, which I’ve been meaning to give to various Polish friends in Oxford. It made me very happy to hold these foreign editions in my hands, to know that readers in so many countries are reading them. An amazing thing really, doesn’t feel like it’s anything to do with me either. Rather wonderful!

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9 replies on “Invisible City – new artwork and trailer for US & Canada readers”

Hello! I’m a spanish fan, in my country the book’s really famous, i love it :D!
I did an exposition about the book and the teacher put me an A++!!(a 10 here in Spain)*__*
I want to meet Josh haha, he is almost my age.

My website is this:
send me a comentary in it when you read this comentary please, I love youuu *_*!!

XOXO, María 🙂

*O*! You are incredible!!
You contest my comentary *__*!
Do you want to be my friend? Pleeeease >_<!
P.S.: Until the 2012 in my country I can’t read your next book (I think it’s <>) because it isn’t yet printed T_T…but, I hope that arrives before the end of the world O_O…
Contest me in my metroflog or here, please & you’ve got a surprise :D!

Adiós :3, María

Hi. I am a fan of your book. I am 13 and i am from Romania. Sorry for this kind of english but i am only 13. Do you know when will appear the 2nd book of the Joshua Files translated in romanian?

Maria – me gusto mucho tu metroflog, y muchas gracias!

Maria and Boks – I loved hearing from you both, thanks! I don’t know when ‘Ice Shock’ will be out in Spanish OR Romanian but I can tell you that the publishers of Expediente J and Dosarele Joshua *have* bought the rights to translate and publish ‘Ice Shock’ so it won’t be too long before the second book appears in your languages.

Hello! If you learn and meet spanish, can I make a questions about the book and your opinion in general of the 2012, UFO’s and Legends Mayas?

-¿El libro trata sobre sucesos o ciudades reales?
-¿Avistaste alguna vez algún OVNI(UFO)?
-¿Sabes si llegaron a crear los Mayas algunas de sus ciudades subterráneas?

-¿El libro trata sobre sucesos o ciudades reales?
Bueno, el incidente con los OVNIS en Campeche esta basado por algo que de veras paso:
Becan si existe, pero supongo que no hay ningun cuidad escondido debajo. Pero el nombre original de Becan como Che’chan naab, fue invencion total. Igual Ek’ Naab – ficcion!
Solamente existen quatro codices Mayan. Los libros de Itzamna – invencion.
El calendario Maya termine en 21 (o 23) Dic 2012. Pero no hay ningun evidencia escrito que dice que fue una prophecia de apocalypse. Eso tambien es un ficcion.
Me gusta mesclar factos con ficcion, pero cuando encuentres un libro en el seccion de ‘ficcion’ siempre tienes que pensar que todo puede se inventado…

-¿Avistaste alguna vez algún OVNI(UFO)?


-¿Sabes si llegaron a crear los Mayas algunas de sus ciudades subterráneas?

Quizas alguno dia van a descubrir edificios chicos en los tuneles del Loltun…no lo creo, la verdad.

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