The countdown . . . and the waiting . . . is over!
The project I’ve referred to as Thrilling New Project is a collaboration – between the late, great, AMAZING Gerry Anderson, creator of classic sci-fi adventure shows as Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlett, Space 1999, UFO and many more – and little ol’ me!
In the last few years of Gerry’s life he’d started working on something new – a series of books about a new rescue agency – GEMINI FORCE. He’d imagined a massive semi-submersible platform that would rise majestically out of the sea, beaming powerful blue lights into the sky – the secret base, GEMINI FORCE ONE. However, although he was able to draft story lines, chapters, character descriptions and an outline plot for the first adventure, Alzheimer’s disease soon made it extremely difficult for him to make any more progress.
It was one of Gerry’s last wishes to see GERRY ANDERSON’S GEMINI FORCE ONE find its audience among new young readers as well as older fans of the TV shows.
Gerry’s family wanted to fulfill this wish, so they began looking around for a writer who might be able to complete the first book and to continue the series with the same philosophy that imbued all of Gerry’s work – a blend of action, adventure, hi-technology, tension and ultimate human drama.
When the Anderson Estate asked me if I’d be interested in the project, I was thrilled beyond belief! Gerry was still alive back then (last year) and I was so excited at the prospect of meeting and maybe even working with such a master of entertainment. Not only that but I recognized just what a debt I and many authors like me owe to Gerry Anderson.
I can remember exactly what it felt like to watch his shows – my personal favourites were THUNDERBIRDS, SPACE 1999 and later, TERRAHAWKS. The spirit of adventure that imbued them, the production values and loving attention to detail, especially engineering and science, impressed me deeply. And inspired me!
SO – to have a chance to take over the work of such a tremendous, personal influence on my own work – can you imagine?!
I’ve been keeping this project under wraps for months now. Gerry’s passing was obviously a huge blow to the family. GERRY ANDERSON’S GEMINI FORCE ONE, however, already had enough Anderson DNA to have a life of its own.
That’s why today at 9.30am, Anderson Entertainment launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money from Anderson fans, my readers, and adventure readers all over the world, to get GERRY ANDERSON’S GEMINI FORCE ONE published just the way Gerry wanted – a contemporary sci-fi adventure series for the young AND the young-at-heart (meaning, people like me!)

Please follow our Kickstarter campaign to find out more about:
- GEMINI FORCE ONE – regular video updates about the project, background and its future (all in your hands!)
- Amazing rewards for our beloved backersAlso to give us feedback, please! We might be able to dig out more items for the rewards – just let us know what you might like. (within reason, please! We’re not going to be able to take you to Disneyland or anything like that…GEMINI FORCE ONE can only happen with YOUR help! IT’S YOUR DECISION. You can also help by letting all your friends know about GERRY ANDERSON’S GEMINI FORCE ONE. Tweet with the hashtag #gf1Follow @GerryAndersonTV, @RealMGHarris and #gf1 Tweet it, everyone! Tweet like the wind!
3 replies on “Thrilling New Project revealed: Kickstarter, meet Gemini Force One!”
Thank you for a very interesting and insightful article.
It’s brilliant that a new Gerry Anderson concept is being developed in such an imaginative way, with Kickstarter being an innovative ’21st century’ method for ensuring that GF1 can be a genuinely ‘Century 21’ style product.
Good luck with everything.
Oh WOW! I have only just discovered this message, having backed the GF1 Kickstarter campaign two days ago.
This book series sounds like it has all the hallmarks of the very best of Gerry Anderson’s unrivalled productions. Now that I know a little more about MG Harris I am absolutely certain that she will see this through to completion in the true style of the master, Gerry Anderson himself.
My very best wishes for every success with the GF1 books, and for the TV series/films that will inevitably follow.
Thank you Duncan and Geoffrey! Your support means everything!