appearances getting published Joshua Files readers

“The Joshua Files – Invisible City” Summer Book Tour

Well, today was the last date of my summer book tour. In honour of the tour’s end I’ve compiled some of the best photos with Animoto.

We (Kirstie from Scholastic and I) visited Borders Milton Keynes, which is a beast of a store – huge! You could spend hours there. Very interesting, intelligent questions from students at four different secondary schools in the MK area. Including two I’ve never been asked before – “How did you set about writing about Josh losing his dad?” and “Are you going to be a series writer.” (I thought for a moment the questioner had said ‘Are you going to be a serious writer?’ – a question which I’d have had no idea how to answer!

Some tour stats – 9 towns/cities, 9 bookstores, children from 23 schools, over 1000 school children…phew. Including my old primary school Beaver Road in Didsbury, Manchester. Thanks to the teachers, librarians, booksellers and children who made it all possible. Thanks also to the publicity department at Scholastic Children’s Books!

Thank goodness it was spread out…I’m a teeny bit tired now. Tomorrow it’s back to the manuscripts. Two now…the second draft of Book 2 (with helpful notes from Editor) and beginning Act 2 of Book 3.

Next stop Edinburgh Book Festival at the end of August. No rest for the wicked and luckily I’m a workaholic so I’m bloody mad for it, like.